Examples of Potential Women’s Interview Dress

Women standing from least to most recommended interview clothing.

A wide range of clothing styles can be appropriate for women to wear to an interview. The women above are dressed in an array of potential interview dress. Read various positive and negative comments from various recruiters.

Woman wearing interview clothing.

Negative Comments:

  • Discourage the transparent blouse.- Forest Product Industry
  • Much too casual for interviewing and for most work environments.- Hotel & Restaurant Management
  • What threw me off was the combination of messy hair, the “Saturday Night Live” blouse (which appears to be ill-fitting) and the tightly cut pants. The outfit makes me think she is squeezing this interview in before she heads out bar-hopping with her girlfriends.- Technical Field
  • Too much trendy apparel can make a statement about how serious you are as a candidate.- Hotel & Restaurant Management

Mixed Comments:

  • Leather blazer is just fine; it just does not work with the retro see-through blouse in our environment. If she had on a turtle neck for a winter interview, then I would think the look just fine.- Delivery Service
  • The leather jacket is not a problem. The blouse and slacks are.- Rental Car Agency
  • When meeting with customers, this dress would be inappropriate. However, this type of dress is not uncommon within the work office.- Technical Field
  • Leather is NEVER an appropriate material for an interview. Anything transparent should be avoided.- Service Organization
Woman wearing interview clothing.

Negative Comments:

  • The shirt is WAY too tight; I’d expect to get hit with flying buttons during the interview! I’d conclude that she’d recently gained weight and needed to go shopping for a larger size. The effect on a male interviewer might be different.- Technical Field
  • The blouse is too tight and I would suggest going white for an interview.- Accounting Firm
  • Blouse fit would determine appropriate. Tight blouse, buxomly figure could be distracting.- Paper Products
  • The buttons on the blouse are pulled suggesting that it is too small. Makes the person’s appearance to be disheveled.- Technical Field

Mixed Comments:

  • Too casual for interview, but fine for office.- Accounting Firm
  • This would be a typical work day outfit.- Accounting Firm
Woman wearing interview clothing.

Negative Comments:

  • The skirt length might indicate poor judgment (wearing a very short skirt to interview with my company) or lack of research on my company’s culture.- Technical Field
  • At a semiconductor company, not too many will dress in a tight fitting, short skirt. This may be suitable for an office job or sales person’s attire.- Semiconductor Company
  • The skirt is a little short and may cause more discomfort to the interviewee than the interviewer.- High Tech Industry
  • Too “trendy” and flamboyant to project a serious and professional first impression.- Insurance Company

Mixed Comments:

  • This skirt is on the short side. I recommend knee length or just about the knee.- Hotel & Restaurant Management
  • The top portion of this outfit is very appropriate, but the length of the skirt is way too short. Either wear pants or knee length skirt.- Accounting Firm
  • This would be a fine outfit to wear for a regular work day at my workplace. The scarf may be a bit flashy for an interview, and the skirt might be too short.- Construction
  • The skirt length would not be appropriate if the wearer was overweight but is not a concern with the wearer in the picture. However, it certainly should not be any shorter, even with a normal or light weight person.- Concession Services
Woman wearing interview clothing.

Positive Comments:

  • This outfit expresses confidence and gives a professional appearance.- Food Service
  • Will work for an interview or on the job, daily wear.- Delivery Service

Negative Comments:

  • What bothers me about this is the busy design and the tight fit. It isn’t flattering to her, but doesn’t really signal anything other than maybe bad taste in clothing.- Technology Field
  • Conjures up an image of human billboard or a vertical sofa. Competes against the personality and warmth of the wearer … too aggressive!- Accounting Firm
  • The plaid pattern is too big and bold. It’s also too tight around the hip area.- Internet Provider Company

Mixed Comments:

  • Looks very sharp. Would go with a more conservative suit for interviews.- Hotel & Restaurant Management
  • Would not suggest such a bold print for interviews, but okay for office (although I personally would never wear!).- Accounting Firm
  • Nice but a bit too trendy for an interview.- Landscaping Firm
  • The look matches, and that shows a sense of style and organization, but it should not be worn on a day when you have an important meeting.- Meat Industry
  • I would not be excited if one of our staff wore this to work with a client. This would work for Friday casual or “maybe” during the week when they aren’t meeting with clients.- Accounting Firm
Woman wearing interview clothing.

Positive Comments:

  • For this person, I really like the effect. It makes her look confident and ready.- Meat Industry
  • Outfit would be acceptable for customer interaction. An outfit like this is also sometimes seen in the office.- Technology Field
  • Knee length is perfect. Not too short and professional looking- Meat Industry
  • Perfect work attire.- Hotel & Restaurant Management
  • Neat, clean, professional – seems appropriate for her figure-type.- Technology Field
  • Very versatile outfit, could add scarf, vary accessories. Very practical and professional.- Express Delivery Service

Negative Comments:

  • I would re-think the necklace, but the outfit appears to be pretty professional. Knee-length skirts are acceptable.- Accounting Firm
  • The necklace is too bold for an interview setting.- Biochemical Field
  • Never wear short skirts to an interview. Thank God for the opaque tights!- Accounting Firm
  • A lot of black, here. What does that tell me about the wearer? Maybe a color that is less bold would be better for a business meeting, unless the meeting was a “take no prisoners” type.- Technology Field
  • Lose the multi-stranded red necklace. Jewelry should never be heavy. Keep jewelry simple and not the main focal point.- Technology Field.
Woman wearing interview clothing.

Positive Comments:

  • This is appropriate for interviews and working with clients.- Accounting Firm
  • Looks professional.- Hotel & Restaurant Management

Negative Comments:

  • The outfit makes her look like a box with head and legs. The shoes are nice with the sheer hose, but that about covers the positives.- Meat Industry
  • The pattern is too busy around the face. The strong contrast would keep drawing my eye to the intersection of those stripes. You don’t want the interviewer to be distracted by clothing.- Technology Field
  • The trim is a bit too bold. The sailor design takes away from a polished professional look.- Internet Provider Company
  • Style is just fine, but I think the white trim is way fussy.- Delivery Service

Positive Comments:

  • Neat, clean, and professional – no problem.- Technology Field

Negative Comments:

  • A suit is more structured and therefore more appropriate for an interview – but this is just fine for work attire.- Uniform Service
  • Ineffective for interview, but fine for office.- Accounting Firm
  • Too casual for most work settings, but depends upon the environment.- Accounting Firm
  • This would also be more appropriate for a work day situation rather than an interview, but would be fine for an interview if necessary.- Accounting Firm

Mixed Comments:

  • I would add a jacket to the dress to make it really a professional outfit. The length of the dress is not a problem.- Accounting Firm
Woman wearing interview clothing.

Positive Comments:

  • The jacket length would bother me only if she wasn’t wearing the trousers! She looks fine; no alarms here, either.- Technology Field
  • The overall appearance is semi-formal and business-like, yet comfortable and confident.- Accounting Firm
  • This is a very class look that would be appropriate for both an interview setting as well as for the regular work day.- Accounting Firm
  • Although not traditional, this is a professional approach. It may work to show interviewers a bit about the personal style of the applicant.- Hotel & Restaurant Management
  • Very nice outfit, can work for interview or on the job.- Delivery Service
  • This outfit shows style and personality without being inappropriate.- Summer Camp

Negative Comments:

  • She looks very warm. I would think of the jacket as an outer coat based on its cut with the seater.- Landscaping Firm
  • IF it is meant to be worn outside, the length is fine. If it is for indoor wear, it looks too heavy.- Technology Firm
  • The jacket is too long.- Technology Firm